Performances (hall stage):
12:30-12:50 RAG Guest Speaker
1:05-1:25 Angus The Poet
1:40- 2:00 Emily
2:15-2:35 Boris Beloney
3:00 - 3:25 - Owensie
3:45 - 4:10 - Laura Sheeran
4:30-5:00 - The Calliope Of The Future
5:20 - Close - Realistic Train
Films screenings (room upstairs):
1.10 – 1.40pm Irish Fur Farms exposed by National Animal Right Association
Short screening and info session on fur farming in Ireland.
1.45 – 2.45pm Ringing In Sick by Dogmedia
Dogmedia are an independent media production collective who cover weird, wacky and satirical subjects in their short films!Ringing In Sick is about: four resourceful humans who test the tolerance levels of four human resource managers by constantly failing to show up for work after being offered a job. The aim… To see who can hold onto their job the longest without ever working a day.
3– 5.00pm We interrupt this broadcast: Is Digital TV the future of D.I.Y. Publication? by DCTV
Since September 2007, Dublin Community Television has been broadcasting to 200,000 homes across the NTL digital cable network. Ran by a co-operative and Dublin’s only community TV station. DCTV has the ambitious aim of making video production and transmission as accessible as possible. Using new, low-cost, all-digital technology, DCTV is part of a global growth in alternative, community-focused media. The organisation itself is an open membership cooperative, with schedules, programme commissioning and all other decisions being driven by members. In this workshop, DCTV staff and members will share their experiences on working with the station. Watch DCTV online:
Workshops (room downstairs):
12.30 – 2.00pm Mini comic workshop. Ages 8+ by Paddy
In this workshop (roughly 1 hour in length) independent comic artist and publisher Paddy Lynch will take participants through the different stages of sequential storytelling, character creation and mini-comic making. Starting with the basics of sequential storytelling each participant will tell a simple "knock knock" joke in a four panel comic strip. Next, the group will collaborate with Phil and Paddy in creating a cartoon character by combining attributes like "types of animal" with "type of occupation" (eg "Fox Postman", "Elephant Pilot",). Following this each person can create their own individual character to be used in a small 7 page mini-comic they can take home at the end of the class.
2.10 – 4.00pm Make Your Own: Books, Zines and the Art of DIY Publishing by Natalia
Natalia has been involved in Do It Yourself publishing for many years. From producing her own zine Sweet Olive, touring around the USA as part of a zine reading tour before returning to Dublin to set up Red Ink radical book and zine shop with husband Willie which between 2004-6 was a hotbed of independent publishing in Dublin. Now based in Leitrim, Natalia and Willie set up their own publishing company and recod label Stitchy Press. They have already released five records (by such Irish bands as Sea Dog, Party Weirdo, Excuses, De Novissimis, Heat Lightening) and their first book Transmorphosis & Other Short Story by Boris Belony. Here Natalia presents a two hour workshop that in her own words: “sums up everything I know about diy publishing.”
4.15 – ? History of Zine Making in Ireland by various
Informal discussion by old time zinesters PA (A Nuclear Threat/ Paranoid Visions), Niall Hope (Whose Life Is It Anyway/ React) and more (tbc) chat about producing zines back in the day: their motivations, places to distribute, etc.
"Independents' Day is a D.I.Y. fair of zines, records, comics and info stalls with workshops, screenings, performances and exhibitions."
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Independents Day 2nd Meeting!
Is on Tuesday 20th October at 6pm at the Co-Op, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8.
find it here....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Meeting This Thursday 8th October - The Exchange, Dublin
Come along to the first meeting about Independents Day - 5:30pm Thursday the 8th of October @The Exchange, Exchange Street, Dublin 2.
Proposed Agenda
-introductions (what happened last year, who people are, what wanna do)
-contact stalls/zines/comics/ record distros/ decide on which info stalls to ask
-posters/ promotion (hopefully have at least one of posters back soon).
-workshops (what to do?)
-exhibition on co-op walls (zine/comic art, gig flyers/ photos whatever)
-performances on day (music/readings/etc.)
View Larger Map
Proposed Agenda
-introductions (what happened last year, who people are, what wanna do)
-contact stalls/zines/comics/ record distros/ decide on which info stalls to ask
-posters/ promotion (hopefully have at least one of posters back soon).
-workshops (what to do?)
-exhibition on co-op walls (zine/comic art, gig flyers/ photos whatever)
-performances on day (music/readings/etc.)
View Larger Map

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
See how Independents Day 07/12/08 went!
Check out how Independents Day went last year..
Overview Loserdom Zine
Interview w/
Article on SoundtracksForThem
Overview Loserdom Zine
Interview w/
Article on SoundtracksForThem

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