Sunday, March 1, 2015

Artist Spotlight 2015: Jane O'Sullivan

What better way to start our new ‘Spotlight’ series on artists appearing at Independents Day 2015, than with the legend that is Jane O’Sullivan.

I have been thinking about a way to try and introduce Jane to those who are not familiar with her, but words seem to fail me. Aside from producing some of the most unique, intricate and beautiful works of art you will ever come across, she is also one of the nicest people you will be lucky to meet. 

It has been a busy couple of years for Jane. Apart from being a long term supporter of the zine community, she has recently had two hugely successful solo art exhibitions; last years “Life is Supported in Mysterious Ways”, in the Talbot Gallery; and her current exhibition “A Passionate Silence” which is running in the Dock Arts Centre Carrick-on-Shannon until the 28th of March. 

It is really hard to pigeon hole Jane's work.  Part zines, part handmade DIY artist book/independent publications, her material is elegant, original and never ceases to amaze me.

If you’ve never seen Jane’s stuff then come along to Independents Day and see for yourself! Buy some zines, check out Jane’s work and talk to her about Kate Bush. 

The world will be a better place!


  1. Bravo. What a great girl. I love james work.

  2. Sorry that's janes work. I'm so looking forward to independence day.
